Kiverco represents the UK at World Expo, 2020 in Dubai.

For over 170 years’ World Expos have shaped and driven change to inspire innovation, which has shaped the world that we live in today.  Expo 2020 Dubai has been described as the ‘World’s Greatest Show of Human Brilliance and Achievement’, with the core theme ‘Connecting Minds. Creating the Future.’ through sustainability, mobility, and opportunity.

The Expo will take visitors on a journey highlighting how international organisations and civil society are already working to address the global changes of our time. This event is truly an international one with 192 countries being represented in country pavilions.  This cultural and educational event will bring Innovation and world-class expertise to the forefront, exploring unique shared global talent. The event provides an unrivalled platform to showcase UK talent, creativity, and innovation to the world.

Kiverco is delighted to have been asked by the UK Government to participate as a guest speaker at Expo 2020. The primary role for Kiverco will be to represent the UK at the event by showcasing the best of British Engineering.

Senior Technical Sales Engineer, Gareth Hawthorne was chosen by Kiverco to represent the company at the prestigious event, which is due to be held in Dubai from October 2021 to March 2022. Gareth will present and discuss on how innovation plays a key role in Kiverco’s efforts to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill sites around the world.

The company has been selected as a VIP speaker because of its unique position in the global waste recycling industry and for the level of innovation brought into every waste processing solution.

Gareth Hawthorne stated “This will be a fantastic opportunity for Kiverco to highlight the company’s capability with millions of visitors expected from 192 participating nations. We are extremely proud and humbled to be asked to take part in such a special event”.

Kiverco recycling plants are utilised worldwide from the Middle East to North America and across Europe to Australasia – with more than 300 installations in the UK alone. Kiverco is raising the bar on recycling and transforming the value of waste for their customers’ and planet. They provide innovative, high performing waste processing plants, bespoke services, and their skilled workforce is advancing recycling solutions.

Associated Businesses

  • Kiverco is recognised globally as a leading manufacturer of waste recycling plant solutions.  We have been manufacturing both static and mobile recycling plants for over 30 years.Our static plant solutions come in the form of larg...